"Family Worship in a Plantation in South Carolina," is the title given to this sketch, printed in the "Illustrated London News," December 5, 1863. The article described the scene as having taken place "in a rude chapel erected for slaves on a cotton plantation near Port Royal (see Island Church On John Joyner Smith's Plantation), now in the possession of the Federal forces. The incumbent was an intelligent old house servant, a slave. He could read, but not write; and his extempore sermons, although sometimes marred by his predilection of high-sounding phrases and long words (not always appropriate) were characterized by strong good sense and a certain rude native eloquence, often rising to the dignity of pathos, and admirably adapted to the comprehension and temperament of his audience. The Methodist persuasion is the one which finds most favour among the slaves in the Southern as well as among the free Negroes in the Northern States."
Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.