Teaching American History in South Carolina

Teaching American History in South Carolina is a statewide approach to teaching professional development. South Carolina is part of a nationwide Teaching American History federal grant program funded by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement, Education Academic Improvement. Richland School District Two is the primary recipient of this grant, which is administered by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.
Title: Type
Between the Rivers
Between the Rivers


This unit Between the Rivers is comprised of two lessons encompassing approximately fifteen days. Lesson One entitled Our Community focuses on the community in which we live and some of the many...

“The Voices of Slavery”
“The Voices of Slavery”


The relations between Africans and those who conquered them would was complicated. Forced to come to a strange country, slaves had vastly different experiences than their white masters in the 18th and...

The Impact of the Cotton Gin
The Impact of the Cotton Gin


Around the world, people wear cotton clothing, and they have done so for thousands of years. However, cotton did not gain popularity in England until the 15th century, due to the prominence of wool in...

Wake Up King George!
Wake Up King George!


Wake Up King George! examines the Stamp Act and other various acts of British Parliament following the French and Indian War, addressing the acts and ensuing colonial responses. Wake Up King George...

"Am I Really Free?"
"Am I Really Free?"


How free were the free blacks? Life for free blacks was not all peaches and cream. Although some were able to prosper they were not counted as citizens. A few questions to consider are: Where did free...

Trade Trials Treaties
Trade Trials Treaties


Trade was a normal part of the Cherokee culture for thousands of years. European trade eventually changed the Cherokee way of life. In nearly 250 years of contact with whites, the Cherokees faced...

Southeastern Native Americans' Lifestyles
Southeastern Native Americans' Lifestyles


The Native Americans of the Southeastern Region included those in South Carolina. These Native Americans were adapted to a warm climate and were permanent settlers of the region. This lesson explores...