Lesson Overview
Students will read letters written in history and see how they tell the story of the past and what society and the culture was like at the time. After learning more about sectionalism and the division occurring during Antebellum Era, each student group will create infographs that analyze their primary sources. Each group, as a culminating activity, will create a presentation, using their analysis of the three issues from their infographs. The presentation should answer the essential question. The presentation will be presented to the class and the class will vote as to whether they successfully proved their point of view as to whether sectionalism caused the issues or the issues were caused by sectionalism.
Essential Question
During the Antebellum era did social, economic, and political issues create sectionalism, or did sectionalism create the issues?
Recommended Technology:
Other Instructional Materials or Notes:
Computers/tablets with internet access
Online Resource for Creating Infographics:
Easy-to-Use Infographic Maker
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Log In to View LessonStandards
- RI.MC.5 Determine meaning and develop logical interpretations by making predictions, inferring, drawing conclusions, analyzing, synthesizing, providing evidence, and investigating multiple interpretations.
- RI.MC.6 Summarize key details and ideas to support analysis of central ideas.
- RI.MC.7 Research events, topics, ideas, or concepts through multiple media, formats, and in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities.
- C Communication
- C.MC Meaning and Context
- C.MC.1 Interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, communicate meaning, and develop logical interpretations through collaborative conversations; build upon the ideas of others to clearly express one’s own views while respecting diverse pe...
- C.MC.2 Articulate ideas, claims, and perspectives in a logical sequence using information, findings, and credible evidence from sources.
- C.MC.3 Communicate information through strategic use of multiple modalities, visual displays, and multimedia to enrich understanding when presenting ideas and information.
- C.MC Meaning and Context
- 8.3.CO Compare the debates between South Carolina and the federal government regarding slavery, federalism, and the Constitution.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into the debates, heightened by Westward Expansion, over federal and state power concerning slavery, and the government's role in protecting and securing natural rights.
- 8.3.CX Evaluate the economic significance of agriculture on South Carolina, the U.S., and the world.
- This indicator was designed to encourage inquiry into the economic implications of the expansion of the rice and cotton industries. This indicator was also developed to promote inquiry into Westward Expansion, the mutually beneficial impact of cotton on Northern factories and southern plantations, and the emerging national and international markets.
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Log In to View LessonLesson Created By: Lori Powers
Lesson Partners: Lexington/Richland School District 5, ETV Education