South Carolina Counties

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

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Within this Collection

Joseph T. Newton | Legacy of Leadership


Joseph Turner Newton (1912 - 1997) To find a word or phrase that best describes Joseph T. Newton, Jr. is nearly impossible. He is praised for his initiative, leadership, compassion and integrity. But...
Herman W. Lay | Legacy of Leadership Profile


1909 - 1982 Herman Lay's first business enterprise was selling Pepsi-Colas from a makeshift stand in his family's front yard in Greenville. He was 11 years old. He was successful, charging a nickel a...
George William Rogers | Legacy of Leadership Profile


George William "Bill" Rogers (Born February 8, 1925) ​Bonitz, Inc., and Consolidated Systems, Inc., are hardly household names in Columbia, where they were established in the 1950s, but both are well...
Joseph H. Williams | Legacy of Leadership Profile


Joe Williams never intended to get involved in the family-owned Williams Brothers pipeline construction business. He had other plans. Fate stepped in, however, and he spent 35 years with the...
Charles J. Bradshaw | Legacy of Leadership Profile


Charles J. Bradshaw (Born July 15, 1936) History will write that Charles Bradshaw was destined for success and good fortune. However, the state of South Carolina will forever be thankful for a bit of...
David S. Lewis | Legacy of Leadership Profile


David Sloan Lewis (1917 - 2003) As a boy growing up in Charleston, David Lewis was fascinated by aviation. He read everything he could find about the World War I fighter planes and their romantic...
David Robert Coker | Legacy of Leadership Profile


David Robert Coker (1870-1938) David Robert Coker loved the land and the people who toiled for its bounty. The son of Major James Lide Coker, David Coker was born on November 20, 1870 in Hartsville...
The USS Yorktown | Palmetto Scene


We celebrate the 4th of July with a special look at the USS Yorktown located in Charleston, S.C. We learn how this carrier went from battle to victory during World War II. Also, a tour of all that...