The Southern Campaign was critical in determining the outcome of the American Revolutionary War, yet the South’s importance has been downplayed in most historical accounts to date. The National Park...Charleston
“Charleston County and the city of Charleston, its county seat, are the most historic locations in the state.” Situated in the Lowcountry, the county serves as a popular vacation destination but also relies on the business that results from its port. The area in general serves as a large cultural and economic hub for the state.
Charleston County was founded as Charleston District in 1769, and the district became smaller after some of its lands were used to create Colleton and Berkeley counties. The county and its seat were named after King Charles II.
The city and county are saturated with Revolutionary War and Civil War history. Three signers of the United States Constitution and two famous abolitionists resided in Charleston County, and the Civil War began when soldiers fired shots from the county’s Fort Sumter.
The document includes transcripts for Mary Jane Bennett's audio.Document
The document includes transcripts for Marie Manigault's audio.Document
The document includes transcripts for Maggie Manigault's audio.Document
The document includes transcripts for Louise White's audio.Document
The document includes transcripts for Barbara McCormick's audio.Document
The document includes transcripts for Sonny Morrison's audio.Photo
Completed by 1713, The Powder Magazine is the oldest governmental building in South Carolina. This facility was used as an arsenal from 1713 - 1748 to defend the colony from the Spanish, French...Audio
The fairs of yester-year were far different from the fairs we know today. Dr. Stroup discusses what fairs were like before The Civil War. In this time period, fairs were held locally, and each county...Audio
Dr. Rodger Stroup, retired Director of the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, is taking a deep dive into the history of the South Carolina State Fair, doing research for an upcoming...