Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day is celebrated the third Saturday in May to honor Americans serving in the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Air Force, and the U.S. Coast Guard.


Armed Forces Day is celebrated the third Saturday in May to honor Americans serving in the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Air Force, and the U.S. Coast Guard.

Vanishing Generation, Part 6
Episode 6


Major C. "Buck" Wiley recalls the Red Ball Express, loading up "all those 250 trucks...with ammunition...take them to the front...gasoline...and then when it started snowing, and when the Battle of...
Vanishing Generation, Part 5
Episode 5


Russell Meyne, B-17 pilot, says, "But Pearl Harbor, of course, was one about 4-hour period," and he didn't get hit, didn't get shot..."there was no continuity to it...the beginning and end was right...
Vanishing Generation, Part 3
Episode 3


Don Ziglar, U.S.S. Yorktown Quartermaster, recalls Japanese fighter planes coming toward the Yorktown. The captain was out on the wing of the bridge, at the starboard side. The bridge wasn't big...
Vanishing Generation, Part 1
Episode 1


World War II is the most important event of the 20th Century. It changed everything. Fifty million people died in World War II, including 405,000 Americans. The United States became a world power, the...
Vanishing Generation, Part 2
Episode 2


World War II occurred during the 1940s when segregation was still the norm in America. The African Americans who fought were in a segregated army even overseas in England. One of the reasons the...
Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 6
Episode 6


In 2006, the Swamp Foxes were preparing for an Operational Readiness Inspection, the most important peacetime evaluation of the unit's combat readiness. The purpose of the exercise is to get people...
Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 5
Episode 5


The strength of the South Carolina Air National Guard has always been its people. And what has given these people their best opportunity to excel is great aircraft. It started with the P-51 Mustang...
Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 4
Episode 4


In December 1990, Iraq became the new battleground. More than 700 members of the S.C. Air National Gaurd were deployed for Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. The 240th Combat...
Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 3
Episode 3


Colonel Robert Hanley Morrell became chief of staff after McEntire's death. Morrell was a colorful character who could have been Southern Conference boxing champion before his Army Air Corp and Air...
Always First: The SC Air National Guard, Part 2
Episode 2


Barnie B. McEntire rose to lieutenant colonel in the Army Air Corps during World War II and was exactly the type of man Lieutenant General James C. Dozier was looking for when he dreamed of starting...