International Collection celebrates our international community! celebrates our international community! 

Within this Collection

Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 11


In the same stop, Rudy and Jim talk about the plants growing on a nearby rock: moss, Walking Fern, and another Canada Violet. On a nearby tree, Rudy and Jim find a cocoon of a Large Silkworm Moth.
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 10


At this next stop, Rudy and Jim find Canada Violets, White Trillium, Blue Cohosh, and a Green Frog can be seen close-by near the stream. Other plants which dominate the area are Yellow Buckeye trees...
Technology at Allen University | Palmetto Scene


Palmetto Scene visits Allen University, a historic Black university in Columbia, where students are excited about using their knowledge to secure high-paying, interesting jobs in the 21st-century...
Marshall Doswell


Marshall Doswell came to Rock Hill as the Managing Editor of The Evening Herald in 1957. After living in South Carolina for a short time, he was made aware of the racial division and tension that...
A Trip to the Dentist
A Trip to the Dentist


Students can define cavity, healthy food, and snacks. They will describe the relationship between excessive sugar consumption and obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. They also will demonstrate good...

Where Does Your Food Grow?
Where Does Your Food Grow?


Students will define farm, garden, orchard, farmers market, roadside stand, and grocery store. They will recognize foods come from different places.

Once Around the Clock
Once Around the Clock


Students will define nutrients, physical activity, and replenish. They will discuss why the body needs physical activity and explain the importance of replenishing nutrients after activity.

Beans are Protein
Beans are Protein


Students will define bean, protein and meat alternatives. They will identify different types of beans.