
Learn about popular holidays celebrated in the United States

Learn about popular holidays like Valentine's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and more.

Within this Collection

A New Front, Part 1
Episode 1


To prepare for the allied invasion of France, American troops boarded ships headed for Great Britain. Many soldiers feared that they would not survive the trip to England, because of the German U...
A Time To Fight, Part 9
Episode 9


The two most widely used bomber aircraft used by the U.S. in World War II were the Boeing B-17 “Flying Fortress,” and the Consolidated B-24 “Liberator.” During bombing runs, the two biggest fears...
A Time To Fight, Part 8
Episode 8


The Army sent the 82nd Airborne, along with General George Patton’s armored divisions, to take the island of Sicily, off the coast of Italy. British forces also assisted the Americans in the Sicily...
A Time to Fight, Part 7
Episode 7


The Tuskegee Airmen were African-American pilots during WWII. Before the war, the Army thought African-Americans could only be used as laborers. African-Americans faced all sorts of prejudice and...
A Time To Fight, Part 6
Episode 6


At the beginning of the war, South Carolinians prepared to fight in either Europe, or the Pacific. For many, their first taste of combat would be in North Africa. In this video segment, S.C. veterans...
Christmas Fern  | The Cove Forest
Christmas Fern | The Cove Forest


(Polystichum acrostichoides) This evergreen fern commonly occurs in moist sites including ravines and rocky slopes. Only the leaves emerge above ground - the stem is underground. Like all ferns, it...
The Hunley's Design | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 4


In this segment, Sen. Glenn McConnell talks about the design of the Hunley. Previous replicas and diagrams of the Hunley were found to be inaccurate upon discovery of the real submarine.
Dixon's Gold Coin | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 7


Before the Hunley was found, Lieutenant George Dixon’s gold coin was just considered a legend. Dr. Maria Jacobsen tells the story and significance behind Lt. Dixon’s coin, and shares her excitement...