Explore South Carolina

Learn about South Carolina. You may be surprised at what you'll find!  

In addition to the topics below, you can also delve into South Carolina's history by visiting the Social Studies section.

Public schools observe John C. Calhoun's birthday, March 18, as South Carolina Day. 


Within this Collection

 Peaches | Carolina Snaps
Peaches | Carolina Snaps


Did you know that South Carolina should be the real Peach State? We produce more peaches than any state in the Southeast.
 Beaufort | Carolina Snaps
Beaufort | Carolina Snaps


Founded in 1711, Beaufort is South Carolina's second oldest city. Located on Port Royal Island, Beaufort is actually made up of 68 islands. At high tide, the town is as much water as it is land.
 Lake Jocassee | Carolina Snaps
Lake Jocassee | Carolina Snaps


Lake Jocassee is a 75,000-acre reservoir outside of Salem, South Carolina and is considered the jewel of the Appalachian Mountains.
 Where Does Litter Come From? | Making It Grow
Where Does Litter Come From? | Making It Grow


When it rains, water either soaks into the ground or flows downhill into small streams and ponds and then into a larger body of water, like a river, lake, or ocean. A watershed is an area of land...