Plodding Along: A Dan Wagoner Experiment
Students will study Dan Wagoner and will use the Dance Elements of shape, weight, balance, and rhythm to create a dance study.
View these videos for an up-close view of art and artists. This section includes painters, sculptors, graphic arts, photographers and also traditional artistry like basketry and woodworking.
Students will study Dan Wagoner and will use the Dance Elements of shape, weight, balance, and rhythm to create a dance study.
Artist Richard Lofton painted this tobacco farmer during the 1930s. Courtesy of the Collection of the Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, South Carolina. Richard Morrison Lofton, American, 1908-1966....Photo
This sketch was a preliminary study for the Mullins Post Office mural painted by Lee Gatch in 1940, titled "Tobacco and Industry." Courtesy of the South Carolina State Museum.Audio
"G" is for Gospel Music. Gospel music as a genre consists of two major categories, White Gospel and Black Gospel. Both styles share similar musical routes that stem from the evangelical religious...Audio
"M" is for McKinney, Nina Mae [1912-1967] Actress, dancer.Audio
"S" is for Scarborough, William Harrison [1912-1871]. Painter. Portraitist.Audio
“C” is for Charleston Ironwork. Elements of decorative iron first appeared on Charleston buildings during the middle decades of the eighteenth century. Crafted by local blacksmiths, they closely...Audio
"T" is for the Town Theatre. [1919-present] Columbia. Longest continuously operating community theatre in the United States.