S.C. State Symbols

Learn more about some of South Carolina's symbols in these videos! 

Want to learn more about South Carolina? You can view the State Symbols & Emblems by visiting the South Carolina State House Student Connection website. This area of the website includes, Seals, Flags, Emblems, Plants & Edibles, Dances, Music & Poets, Gems, Rocks, Gardens & Fossils, Animals & Other Living Things, Museums & Honored Sites, Language & Arts, Colors & Textiles.  Also available are South Carolina's State Beverage, Flower, Fruit, Grass, Hospitality Beverage, Picnic Cuisine, Snack, Tree, Vegetable, and Wildflower.

 Carolina Jessamine | Carolina Snaps
Carolina Jessamine | Carolina Snaps


The Carolina Jessamine, South Carolina's state flower, is a vibrant yellow bloom found throughout the state and Southeast. This versatile plant, cherished for its beauty and traditional medicinal uses...
 Columbia | South Carolina Public Radio
Columbia | South Carolina Public Radio


"C" is for Columbia (Richland County; 2010 population 130,493). Named for Christopher Columbus and created in 1786 as the nation’s first truly planned capital city, Columbia has a unique history...
 Sandy Point (S.C.) Stop 2 4
Sandy Point (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 4


The Horseshoe crab which Rudy and Jim find is not dead, but is actually a shed exoskeleton! They also find whelk egg cases, and one of them still has young snails inside. Oyster shells are found...
 Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 2 5
Bulls Island (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 5


At the same stop, vines and flowering plants can also be seen growing in this area. We see Yellow Jessamine, and Toadflax.
 Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 5 8
Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 8


Rudy and Jim discuss the process of exfoliation, which commonly takes place on rock outcroppings such as this one. Here, on this island of soil, we see more yellow jessamine, moss, red cedar trees...
 Sandy Island (S.C.) Stop 5 6
Sandy Island (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 6


Rudy and Jim walk through a longleaf pine habitat, and come across a loblolly pine with a red-cockaded woodpecker nest. We also see Turkey oak trees, and yellow jessamine flowers. The yellow jessamine...
 Anne Worsham Richardson | S.C. Hall of Fame
Anne Worsham Richardson | S.C. Hall of Fame


Known as the “Charleston Bird Lady,” Anne Worsham Richardson (1919-2012), renowned wildlife artist, was sometimes dubbed the Audubon of her time. No other South Carolinian has done more to portray the...