Career Explorations!

Knowitall brings an abundance of career education and job shadowing videos to your computer, tablet or mobile device! These videos provide insight into a wide array of professions, as students plan the pathway that best suits them.

Career Clusters connect school work with the knowledge and skills needed for success in college and careers. Each Career Cluster identifies pathways from secondary school to two- and four-year colleges, graduate school, and the workplace. These videos will motivate students to work harder to achieve their career goals. Please choose from any of the Career Clusters that interest you.

Everett, Percival | South Carolina Public Radio


“E” is for Everett, Percival [b. 1956]. Everett grew up in Columbia. He drew on his experiences as a young African American growing up in Columbia in his first novel, Suder. The critical success of...
Robert, Henry Martyn | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Robert, Henry Martyn [1837-1923]. Engineer, author. Born in South Carolina, Robert’s family moved to Ohio in 1851. After graduating from West Point in 1857, he began a forty-four year...