World History

1300 to present. Explore videos about World History from 1300 A.D. until the 21st Century.
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World History | Topics
The Space Race Photo Gallery
The Space Race Photo Gallery


This photo gallery includes the following images: United States Air Force Pilot Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager Bell X-1 Sputnik National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Logo President Dwight D...
The Space Race, Part 1
Episode 1


Part 1 briefly outlines the Cold War, and how the "Space Race" got started, with the Soviets' launching of Sputnik, in October, 1957. Next came the U.S. competing with the Soviets to launch a man into...
The Space Race, Part 2
Episode 2


Gemini is the not widely known bridge between Mercury, and the Apollo Program. Gemini would serve as the test-bed for Apollo; to prepare NASA for trips to the moon. After the successes with the Gemini...
D-Day: 40 Years Ago, Part 2 (1984)
Episode 2


Part 2 of the D-Day: 40 Years Ago special of Carolina Journal. Veterans from both Axis and Allied powers gather to remember their experiences on D-Day, and to honor the fallen.
D-Day: 40 Years Ago, Part 3 (1984)
Episode 3


Part 3 of the D-Day: 40 Years Ago special of Carolina Journal. Veterans from both Axis and Allied powers gather to remember their experiences on D-Day, and to honor the fallen.
Chartres Cathedral, Part 3
Episode 3


Malcolm Miller continues his slideshow by reading a Bible excerpt featured on one of the stained glass windows at Chartres Cathedral. The excerpt Miller reads chronicles the fulfillment of Old...
Chartres Cathedral, Part 2
Episode 2


Malcolm Miller has an impressive collection of slides of Chartres Cathedral. In this segment, Miller shows a few slides, and explains the significance of each one, to illustrate the cathedral’s...
WWI Photo Gallery | History in a Nutshell
WWI Photo Gallery | History in a Nutshell
Episode 2


This photo gallery contains the following visuals: Map of Europe, 1914. Triple Entente Countries In Blue; Triple Alliance/Central Powers Countries In Red The Zimmerman Telegram The Evening World...
World War I | History In A Nutshell
Episode 1


A brief video on World War I: how the war started, the U.S.' involvement, fighting the war, and the aftermath, with the Treaty of Versailles. *Important Note: Italy was originally a member of the...