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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

Take a quick look at all Science series on


Recycling and Energy | VirtualSC Energy


This lesson explores the connections between energy and recycling. Topics covered in this lesson include types of energy, thermal units, energy costs, and benefits of recycling.
Where Does Litter Come From? | Making It Grow


When it rains, water either soaks into the ground or flows downhill into small streams and ponds and then into a larger body of water, like a river, lake, or ocean. A watershed is an area of land...
Swallow-Tailed Kites | Making It Grow


Much of the forested land in the Southeast is privately owned. Today, many landowners harvest their trees sustainably, preserving habitat for animals of all kinds, including the world’s most beautiful...
Daufuskie Island | Carolina Snaps


Daufuskie Island is South Carolina's southernmost inhabited sea island. To this day, much of the island remains undeveloped - maintaining its rich history and natural beauty.
Food Deserts and Biological Connection
Food Deserts and Biological Connection


Students will learn what defines a food deserts, how the nutritional value of foods available to people in food deserts can lead to health concerns, and connect these food deserts to racial inequality...