Osprey | Nature Notes with Rudy Mancke
They osprey, also known as fish hawk, has only one species and is found pretty much all over the world.These educational capsules are effective lesson triggers, featuring SCETV's NatureScene naturalist, Rudy Mancke. Nature Notes look at locations around South Carolina and some parts of the U.S. by getting an intimate look at creatures and plant life. Rudy provides interesting information in his usual science-is-all-around-us style. (From our Streamline collection)
They osprey, also known as fish hawk, has only one species and is found pretty much all over the world.Video
The state flower of SC, the yellow jessimine, is one of many plants found in SC that is poisonous.Video
The snake adds a section to its rattle each time it sheds its skin, which can be up to 2 to 3 times a year.Video
River otters are playful animals who are in the same family as weasels, mink and skunks.Video
We have two vulture species in South Carolina: the turkey vulture and the black vulture.