South Carolina Counties

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.

To view the state by tourism regions, visit ETV Shorts.

To view the state by landform regions, visit Web of Water or for the artistic sides of the state, visit A Natural State.

Within this Collection

Student Protests | The World of Cecil


Part 4 showcases the role of Orangeburg in the Civil Rights Movement and the influence of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s nonviolent resistance. Students in Orangeburg actively participated in marches...
Briggs v. Elliot | The World of Cecil


This segment explores the early 1950s and the significant role South Carolina, particularly Clarendon County, played in the civil rights movement. It discusses Thurgood Marshall's arrival in South...
Battle of Camden | Carolina Snaps


The Battle of Camden during the American Revolutionary War is one of the most notorious battles to ever take place on U.S. soil. The Battle of Camden occurred on August 16, 1780. The evening before...
Rollin Sisters | Carolina Snaps


Born into a free black family during Reconstruction, the Rollin sisters played a pivotal role in advancing women's suffrage in South Carolina. Frances, Lottie, and Louisa were prominent activists...
The History of Rainbow Row | Carolina Snaps


Rainbow Row is a highly popular tourist attraction located in historic downtown Charleston, South Carolina. Although the buildings look bright and new, these houses date all the way back to the 1700’s...
Beaufort | Carolina Snaps


Founded in 1711, Beaufort is South Carolina's second oldest city. Located on Port Royal Island, Beaufort is actually made up of 68 islands. At high tide, the town is as much water as it is land.