Kaltura PlayBack to video00:00PlaySeek 10 seconds backwardsSeek 10 seconds forward00:00 / 00:00MutePicture in pictureFullscreen Share to Google Classroom Volunteers are crucial to these archaeological dig sites; they not only donate time and money for research, but also get the opportunity to work alongside nationally recognized scientists and experts. Grades: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Higher Education Subjects: Career EducationSocial StudiesS.C. HistoryFirst People & Early Explorers Collection: ArchaeologySouth Carolina CountiesAllendale Series:
Kaltura PlayBack to video00:00PlaySeek 10 seconds backwardsSeek 10 seconds forward00:00 / 00:00MutePicture in pictureFullscreen