Kaltura Share to Google Classroom Information Standards Professor Fred Edinger talks about the geology of Sugarloaf Mountain Standards 1.G.4 Describe and compare various landforms within South Carolina through the use of primary and secondary sources.2.2 Utilize the college and career skills of a geographer to apply map skills and draw conclusions about the United States.2.G.2 Describe and compare various landforms over time within the U.S. through the use of primary and secondary sources. Grades: PreK Kindergarten 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Subjects: ScienceEarth ScienceComposition of EarthSocial StudiesS.C. HistoryPlaces and Regions in South Carolina Series: Pee Dee ExplorerB. The Natural Landscape | Pee Dee ExplorerSand Hills State Park | Pee Dee Explorer