Part 1 of the Lewis and Clark Expedition outlines Americans' desire to explore the then unknown west of the early 1800's. President Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803, and recruited his own personal secretary Meriwether Lewis to pick a team of men to make a journey to the Pacific ocean.
- 4.3.CO Compare the motivations for and reactions to various expeditions into the Western territories.
- 4.3.CE Analyze the effects of government policies in promoting United States territorial expansion into the west.
- 4.3.P Analyze the role of technology and the environmental impact during the period of Westward Expansion.
- 4.3.CC Recognize patterns of continuity and change in the experiences of Native Americans and Spanish-speaking people as the U.S. expanded westward.
- 8.3 Demonstrate an understanding of conflict and compromise in South Carolina, the Southern region, and the United States as a result of sectionalism between the period 1816–1865.
- 8.3.CC Analyze debates and efforts to recognize the natural rights of marginalized groups during the period of expansion and sectionalism.
- USHC.2.CC Differentiate the patterns of continuity and change within the development of sectionalism and reunion.