Family Across the Sea, Part 2
A young black scholar named Lorenzo Turner began to research Gullah culture and language. Folklorists and historians who had studied this culture before Turner and concluded that the Gullah merely borrowed and corrupted English and European language and customs. Turner pushed these old prejudices aside. Where others heard Gullah only as a primitive pigeon English, Turner found a rich language that owed as much to Africa as to Europe. Linguist Joko Sengova is following in Turner's footsteps, and is attempting to pinpoint examples of African language that survive and have influenced Gullah, Geechee and Creole language.
- This indicator was written to promote inquiry into the unique development of ethnic, political, and religious identities in the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern colonies.
- 8.1.CE Analyze the factors that contributed to the development of South Carolina’s economic system and the subsequent impacts on different populations within the colony.
- This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into the immigration and migration patterns of different groups within South Carolina, including their economic, political, and social power to do so. This indicator also promotes inquiry into an exploration of such ideas as the expansion of slavery and hostilities with the native peoples.