Noted South Carolina historian Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the key issues in SC History.
Desegregation and other social change in South Carolina is discussed:
- World War II – Catalyst for Change
- Transformation of Political Scene: Strom Thurmond, James F. Byrnes
- Briggs v. Elliott would become basic for Brown v. Board of Education
- 1960's - Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, Desegregation
- 5.4.CE Analyze the causes and impacts of social movements in the U.S. and South Carolina.
- 5.4.CC Analyze the continuities and changes of race relations in the United States and South Carolina following the Supreme Court decisions of Briggs v. Elliott and Brown v. Board of Education.
- 5.4.E Analyze multiple perspectives on the economic, political, and social effects of the Cold War, Space Race, and Civil Rights Movement using primary and secondary sources.
- 8.5.CX Analyze the correlation between the Modern Civil Rights Movement in South Carolina and the U.S.
- This indicator was designed to foster inquiry into the role of South Carolina in the Modern Civil Rights Movement, to include the influence of court cases such as Briggs v. Elliot and Flemming v. South Carolina Electric and Gas. This indicator was also developed to promote inquiry into the relationship between national leadership, protests, and events and South Carolina leadership, protests and events, such as the Friendship Nine and the Orangeburg Massacre.
- 8.5.E Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple perspectives on the cultural changes in South Carolina and the U.S.