Kaltura PlayBack to video00:00PlaySeek 10 seconds backwardsSeek 10 seconds forward00:00 / 00:00MutePicture in pictureFullscreen Share to Google Classroom Information Standards Glenna Barlow gives a brief overview of the Columbia Museum of Art, its history, and mission. Standards VA.C Connecting - I can relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context.VA.C.7 I can relate visual arts ideas to other arts disciplines, content areas, and careers.VA.C AM.7 I can describe influences of economic conditions, cultural values and location on visual art related careers.VA.C AM.7.2 I can pursue opportunities that will lead me to a career in visual arts.VA.C Connecting - I can relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context.VA.C.6 I can identify and examine the role of visual arts through history and world cultures.VA.C AH.6 I can analyze the beliefs, values, and behaviors of a society and how they impact an artist's’ work.VA.C Connecting - I can relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context.VA.C.6 I can identify and examine the role of visual arts through history and world cultures.VA.C AL.6 I can analyze the function and meaning of artworks from various cultures and time periods. Grades: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Higher Education Subjects: Social StudiesS.C. HistoryPlaces and Regions in South CarolinaMuseumsSouth Carolina CultureThe ArtsVisual & Performing ArtsDrawing, Painting & Illustrating Collection: South Carolina CountiesRichlandCareer Explorations!Arts, AV Technology & CommunicationsVisual Arts Series: Let's Go!Columbia Museum of Art
Kaltura PlayBack to video00:00PlaySeek 10 seconds backwardsSeek 10 seconds forward00:00 / 00:00MutePicture in pictureFullscreen