American Sign Language

This media was designed to teach sign language to teachers and parents of deaf children. Students can also learn the fundamentals of this language in order to communicate with friends and classmates who use signing as their primary means of communication. 
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 On The Other Hand: Lesson 117 117
On The Other Hand: Lesson 117
Episode 117


They cover how to more effectively rephrase your PSE sentences so that your meaning will be clear to deaf people, specifically the classifier 1. They compare passive voice to active voice. More signs...
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 113 113
On The Other Hand: Lesson 113
Episode 113


This lesson looks at the past and how signs change to meet the need of the users. In the past 75 years the signs have moved inward and upward. Another change is how two separate signs were paired...
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 111 111
On The Other Hand: Lesson 111
Episode 111


They look at adjectives throughout this lesson including iconic adjectives that show size. They review the 4 different ways that adjectives are used in sign language.
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 120 120
On The Other Hand: Lesson 120
Episode 120


Prefixes and suffixes are explained. They touch on different kinds of classifiers, signs for recreational activities and talk about deaf cultures.
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 116 116
On The Other Hand: Lesson 116
Episode 116


This lesson covers vocabulary for rooms and furniture around the home. Also described is space used to set up comparisons in sentences as well as the 3 kinds of sentences in the deaf language.
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 112 112
On The Other Hand: Lesson 112
Episode 112


This program continues the discussion on the use of adjective in American Sign Language: how to compare things and how to incorporate adjectives. Vocabulary related to health and parts of the body are...
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 119 119
On The Other Hand: Lesson 119
Episode 119


The discuss why English articles are not part of ASL. They talk about English idioms and how to change them into sign language. How conjunctions are handled are also covered.
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 115 115
On The Other Hand: Lesson 115
Episode 115


Much of the information in a signing conversation is in the expressions and body stance. They compare sentences with and without facial expressions. They also demonstrate specific facial expressions...
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 118 118
On The Other Hand: Lesson 118
Episode 118


Vocabulary covered is signs used at schools. They talk about ordinal numbers and how the are used as adjectives and adverbs. They look at non-manual features that serve as adverbs to change the...
 On The Other Hand: Lesson 114 114
On The Other Hand: Lesson 114
Episode 114


Styles of signing are part of this lesson. They cover more adjectives related to feelings and explain junction markers. Noun/verb pairs are described.