Collecting Sweetgrass | Digital Traditions
Harriet Brown talks about the importance of collecting sweetgrass.Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Visual & Performing Arts standards.
Find all the Visual & Performing Arts series.
Harriet Brown talks about the importance of collecting sweetgrass.Video
Classic joke/skit by Greasy Medlin and Snuffy that was a standard during their medicine show days. From the "Pickin' Time" program on WIS-TV in Columbia, 1974.Video
Learn the details on collecting palmetto as the video begins with Harriet Brown cutting a palm frond.Video
Marlena McGhee Smalls discusses the reason why the singers wear such elaborate clothing while on stage. From "Voices of the Gullah Culture: Hallelujah Singers." WJWJ-TV Beaufort, SC and SCETV, 1993.Video
Pappy Sherrill and The Hired Hands (Randy Lucas - banjo, Harold Lucas - guitar, Frank Hartley - upright bass) performing in 1992 at the "Heritage of Song" concert hosted by McKissick Museum at the...Video
Cost discusses the importance of wood in crafting a call and the different sounds a turkey call should make. Courtesy of the National Wild Turkey Federation.Video
The Hallelujah Singers performing on WUSA-TV in Washington, D.C. 1993.Video
Video shows Harriet Bailem Brown holding a handful of green pine needles.