Step 2: Mixing the Ink | Artopia 2
The Process of Etching Boyd Saunders demonstrates how he mixes the ink.Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Visual & Performing Arts standards.
Find all the Visual & Performing Arts series.
The Process of Etching Boyd Saunders demonstrates how he mixes the ink.Video
The Process of Etching Boyd Saunders demonstrates how to ink the plate.Video
The Process of Etching Boyd Saunders talks about the special type of paper and how to prepare the paper.Video
The Process of Etching Boyd Saunders demonstrates the final step in the etching process with the printing.Video
These are examples of narrative artworks that depict historical figures and events. No. 11 - John Brown Takes to Guerilla Warfare, is one of a series of twenty-two gouache paintings illustrating the...Video
Learn how to take a closer look at a sculpture by applying the principles of design to the Kouros by Isamu Noguchi. Balance: Technically, Kouros is perfectly balanced. All the pieces fit together in...Video
Learn how to take a closer look at a sculpture by applying the elements of design to the Kouros by Isamu Noguchi. Line: Line is an important element in Noguchi’s Kouros. Although it is a three-...Video
The lost wax process of casting bronze follows a series of careful steps. First, the artist models the art work in clay. Then, she delivers it to a foundry and works with a team of fabricators. They...Video
Compare and Contrast Frederic Remington and Deborah Butterfield are known for their sculptures of horses. These two artworks, Untitled (#3-85) by Deborah Butterfield and The Bronco Buster by Frederic...Video
From the video production "A Collection of African-American Spiritual and Metered Hymns." Produced by Steve Sweeney.