How free were the free blacks? Life for free blacks was not all peaches and cream. Although some were able to prosper they were not counted as citizens. A few questions to consider are: Where did free...
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How free were the free blacks? Life for free blacks was not all peaches and cream. Although some were able to prosper they were not counted as citizens. A few questions to consider are: Where did free...
Trade was a normal part of the Cherokee culture for thousands of years. European trade eventually changed the Cherokee way of life. In nearly 250 years of contact with whites, the Cherokees faced...
“R” is for Rivers Bridge, Battle of [February 2-3, 1865]. On February 2, 1865, the right wing of Sherman’s army attempted to cross the Salkehatchie River at Rivers Bridge—in what is now southern...Audio
“M” is for Means, John Hugh [1812-1862]. Governor. After graduating from South Carolina College, Means became a successful planter in Fairfield District. After one term in the General Assembly, he...Audio
“G” is for Greeks. Greek immigrants began arriving in South Carolina at the turn of the 20th century, seeking to escape the economic stagnation of their own country. They quickly found a niche in...Audio
“H” is for Hinton, James Miles [1891-1970]. Clergyman, businessman, civil rights leader. A native North Carolinian, Hinton began his business career in Augusta with the black-owned Pilgrim Health and...Audio
“G” is for the Great Wagon Road. The Great Wagon Road stretched for almost eight hundred miles from Philadelphia west to York and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and thence south through Virginia into the...Audio
“S” is for Seigler, Marie Samuella Cromer [1882-1964]. Educator. Girl’s club founder. In 1909, Seigler, an Abbeville County native, heard a representative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture extoll...Audio
“E” is for Executive Councils. After secession in December 1860, the state had to assume responsibilities previously carried out by the federal government. To do that, the Secession Convention...Audio
“S” is for Sellers, Cleveland Louis, Jr. [b. 1944]. Civil rights activist. Educator. Sellers attended Howard University where he met several student activists, including Stokely Carmichael—later...