McCray, Carrie Allen | South Carolina Public Radio
"M" is for McCray, Carrie Allen [1913-2009] Poet. Author.Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Social Studies standards.
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"M" is for McCray, Carrie Allen [1913-2009] Poet. Author.Audio
"L" is for Littlejohn, Cameron Bruce [1913-2007] Attorney. Legislator, Jurist.Audio
"S" is for Scott, Robert Kingston [1826-1900] Governor.Audio
"H" is for Heyward, Thomas, Jr. [1746-1809] Planter. Legislator, Jurist. Signer of the Declaration of Indepence.Audio
"G" is for the Governor’s Mansion [established in 1869]Audio
"D" is for Dorn, William Jennings Bryan [1916-2005] Congressman.Audio
"L" is for Lining, John [1708-1760] Physician. Scientist.Video
Learn an overview history of the The Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon.Lesson
Early American naturalists were both artists and scientists; they studied the movement of animals in their natural habitats to better understand their behavior and to document the diversity of life...