Last Auction: Struggles | Carolina Stories 14
A more in-depth look at the struggles the people in Mullins face.Video
A more in-depth look at the struggles the people in Mullins face.Video
Migrant workers continue to thrive in Mullins. When you go to the grocery store, do you think about who planted, cultivated and picked all the fruits and vegetables on the produce racks? Chances are...Video
Looking at the future of farming and profits in Mullins.Video
The Last Auction: Part 1, Introduction Tobacco has a long and important history in South Carolina's Pee Dee region. During the 1890s, South Carolina tobacco production went from 200,000 pounds per...Video
A look at what could be one of the last tobacco auctions on a Mullins farm.Video
Part 1: The impenetrable Star Fort (1780).Video
Part 2, a look inside the tunnel and some of its history. Summer 1781, Gen. Nathanael Greene had his military engineer, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, devise a plan to build a tunnel underneath the Star Fort in...Video
Part 4. A look at the safety precautions necessary for exploration.Video
Part 5: Keeping the tunnel structure stable during scanning.Video
Part 6: Data Collection An in-depth look at how data was collected inside the tunnel for 3D imaging.