South Carolina - Early 20th Century

1914 -1945. Meet South Carolinians who survived and succeeded during World War I (1914-1918), the Roaring Twenties (1920 -1929), and other major events during the early 20th century like The Great Depression (1929-39) and World War II (1939-1945).
South Carolina - Early 20th Century | Topics
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South Carolina - Early 20th Century | Topics
Camp Sevier | History of SC Slide Collection
Camp Sevier | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 6


Many young men recruited into the army were trained at Camp Sevier, near Greenville. Motor Truck Companies 101 and 218 lived in this tent city. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.
Battery Jasper | History of SC Slide Collection
Battery Jasper | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 2


Although this photograph of Battery Jasper, located several hundred yards east of Fort Moultrie, was taken in the late 1890s, it shows the construction of the coastal defense system around the fort...
SC Veterans in History, Part 6
Episode 6


This segment provides information on the Confederate Relic Room and answers a question about women who served in the Civil War. The definition of the word "relic" is provided, and information about...
SC Veterans in History, Part 8
Episode 8


A group of Columbia businessmen met one afternoon, raised the money, bought the acreage, and made a gift to the federal government of the land on which the camp was to be built. On June 2, 1917, Camp...