Limited and Unlimited Government

PHOTO: King John of England signing Magna Carta on June 15, 1215, at Runnymede; coloured wood engraving, 19th century. -- WikiGallery

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PHOTO: King John of England signing Magna Carta on June 15, 1215, at Runnymede; coloured wood engraving, 19th century. -- WikiGallery

 Q&A 4
Episode 4


Sam Mabry moderates the question and answer session for the 2014 James Otis Lecture Series on the Magna Carta.
 Sir Robert Worcester | James Otis 2014 Excerpt 3
Sir Robert Worcester | James Otis 2014 Excerpt
Episode 3


Sir Robert Worcester, Emeritus Chancellor of the University of Kent and Chair of the 800th Anniversary Celebration of the Magna Carta Committee spoke about "The Magna Carta, 'Foundation of Liberty'...
 James Otis Lecture Series 2014 (Full Version) 1
James Otis Lecture Series 2014 (Full Version)
Episode 1


The 2014 speakers included The Honorable Sir Stephen Silber, Justice of the High Court of England and Wales, who spoke about "The Differing Perceptions of the Magna Carta ? The United Kingdom versus...