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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

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Saddlebags Dragonfly  | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)
Saddlebags Dragonfly | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)


• Tramea carolina • Large, dark markings at base of wings, when flying, look like saddlebags bouncing off Pony Express rider • Red to red-brown body with olive-brown thorax • Clear fore wings • Hind...
Painted Skimmer | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)
Painted Skimmer | Cartwheel Bay (S.C.)


• Libellula semifasciata • Fast flying dragonfly • Brightly colored • Incomplete bands across wings • Wingspan noticeably greater than body length • Hovers • Live near ponds and swamps
Cartwheel Bay (S.C.) Stop 4
Episode 4


Edge of the Bay - The edge of the bay has red bay growing, along with groups of Trumpet Pitcher Plants.
Cartwheel Bay (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 7


Here we see Running Oak and Sweet Pitcher Plants. Also view a dragonfly and a Cottonmouth snake
Cartwheel Bay (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 8


Here we have a view of Pond Pine, Sweet Bay, Magnolias and Pepper Bush. We also get a look at the Oak Toad.
Cartwheel Bay (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 2


We find dwarf azaleas in this sweet smelling area. We also see the Blackjack Oak, Sundew, the grass stage of the Long Leaf Pine, and Fleabane all along the road.