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Pool Sprite | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)
Pool Sprite | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)


Amphianthus pusillus • Rarest plant in South Carolina Piedmont • Annual plant • Snapdragon family • Fibrous roots • 5 - 10 cm tall (2 - 4 inches) • Grows in vernal pools • Submerged and floating...
Persimmon | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)
Persimmon | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)


Diospyros virginiana • Native to Eastern United States • Distinctive dark thick bark • Leaves somewhat thickened • Leaves egg shaped and not toothed • Yellow flowers • Grows up to 50 feet tall •...
Haircap Moss | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)
Haircap Moss | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)


Genus Polytrichum Stems are rigid Long, pointy leaves arranged spirally around stem Name means "many hairs" Hairy cap covers the capsule before it is fully mature Grows in woods, wetlands in acidic...
Green Anole | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)
Green Anole | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)


• Anolis carolinensis • Often referred to as a Chameleon, but not a true one • Slight in build with narrow head • Slender with long thin tail • Pink dewlap under throat in male hangs down • Ability to...
Five Finger | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)
Five Finger | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)


• Genus Potentilla • Low spreading plant with silvery-downy stems • Yellow flowers • Five leaflets up to 6.3 cm (2.5 inches) in length • First flowers arise from axil of second leaf • Also called...
Fall Webworm | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)
Fall Webworm | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)


• Hyphantria cunea • Silk web made by caterpillar • Native to North America and Mexico • Larvae often seriously damage trees and shrubs • Larvae spin silk over foliage, skeletonizing leaves as they...
Eastern Red Cedar | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)
Eastern Red Cedar | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)


Juniperus virginiana Medium-size tree Needle-like leaves Leaves 1 mm - 2 cm (1/16 - 0.75 inches) Leaves entirely green, in pairs along four-sided twigs and branchlets Dominant on rock outcrops...
Eastern Box Turtle | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)
Eastern Box Turtle | Forty Acre Rock (S.C.)


• Terrapene carolina • 10 - 21.6 cm (4 - 8.5 inches) • Terrestrial • Vertebral column, backbone, and ribs grow into shell and into turtle's skin • Movable plastron hinge allows lower shell to close...