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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

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 Northern Pine Snake | Expeditions Shorts
Northern Pine Snake | Expeditions Shorts


In the Francis Marion National Forest, Patrick McMillan shows a rather uncommon species of snake found in this area: the Northern Pine Snake. The dark patterns found on the top of the snake blend in...
 Oak Toad | Expeditions Shorts
Oak Toad | Expeditions Shorts


Here in Francis Marion National Forest, in South Carolina, Patrick McMillan shows us the Oak Toad, one of the smallest in the toad species. Its unique skin colorations are perfect for camouflaging...
 Pond Cypress Savannah | Expeditions Shorts
Pond Cypress Savannah | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick visits Florida Bay, located in Francis Marion National Forest, South Carolina. Here, we see a savannah, filled with Pond Cypress trees, Savannah Iris flowers, Tall Milkwort flowers, and Purple...
 Receding Glacier | Expeditions Shorts
Receding Glacier | Expeditions Shorts


Here on the Kenai Peninsula, in Alaska, Patrick McMillan shows us evidence of a global interglacial period. On the Kenai Peninsula, we see a receding glacier, which has moved back hundreds of feet in...
 Slave Cabin | Expeditions Shorts
Slave Cabin | Expeditions Shorts


Here at Nemors Plantation, in Beaufort County, South Carolina, Patrick McMillan shows us a nest of Black Vultures residing in an old, dilapidated slave cabin dating back to the 1700’s! One black...
 Big Bend Tree Lizard | Expeditions Shorts
Big Bend Tree Lizard | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick McMillan visits the sunny, rocky slopes of Jeff Davis County, Texas, where he shows us the Big Bend Tree Lizard. This lizard is a subspecies of tree lizard, and they are described as “ornate”...
 Snow Buttercup | Expeditions Shorts
Snow Buttercup | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick McMillan visits Loveland Pass, Colorado, where he shows us Snow Buttercup flowers. These flowers take advantage of the insulation provided by layers of snow. The snow also protects these...
Abiotic and Biotic
Abiotic and Biotic


Students will learn how to distinguish between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Students will creatively create a presentation to classify abiotic and biotic factors in different ecosystems.

Fly Me to The Moon -2
Fly Me to The Moon -2


The students will be able to begin to explain and understand the phases of the moon as well as the effects/relationship of the sun and moon on Earth. They will be able to demonstrate their knowledge...