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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

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Coyote Study with Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe
Coyote Study with Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe


In Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe, the main character Cricket sometimes hears coyotes howling in the woods. Students will use the novel as a starting point for learning more about a coyote’s howl...

Plant a Seed
Plant a Seed


The students will plant a seed using science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of scientific inquiry, to develop understandings of science content. They will measure the...

Natural Resources -2
Natural Resources -2


The students will be able to define what a natural resource is, and provide examples of natural resources found in the United States, and other countries.

Natural Resources -3
Natural Resources -3


The students will be able to define what a natural resource is, and provide examples of natural resources found in the United States, and other countries.

Snow Bunting | Expeditions Shorts


Patrick McMillan visits the North Slope Region of Alaska, where he showcases two species of bird which reside in this freezing cold region: the Snow Bunting, and the Lapland Longspur. The Snow Bunting...
Dall Sheep | Expeditions Shorts


Dall Sheep are found roaming the mountains located within the interior region of Alaska. This species of sheep is native to Alaska, and are also found in some parts of Canada. Bighorn Sheep are also...
Florida Yellow Bladderwort | Expeditions Shorts


In Apalachicola National Forest, Patrick talks about Karst Topography, or giant limestone sinkholes located all over Florida. When these sinkholes fill up with water, many species of plants and...
Giant Sacaton Grass | Expeditions Shorts


Here at Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch in Arizona, Patrick McMillan and Linda Kennedy talk about Giant Sacaton Grass, which makes a great habitat for sparrows, and diamond-back rattlesnakes.
Grassland | Expeditions Shorts


In this segment, Patrick visits Rocky Mountain National Park, in Colorado. Here we see vast fields of cool season grasslands. Many of the animals, such as Rocky Mountain Elk, depend on these grasses...