Fossils, Bones, and Ancient Trees | Pee Dee Explorer
A continuation of the overview of the Pee DeeVisit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.
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A continuation of the overview of the Pee DeeVideo
Participants in Rural Heritage Day discuss environmentalism.Video
Residents and historians explain the cultural and physical characteristics of Sandy Island.Video
Exploring the applications of wild plants in traditional folk medicinesVideo
The Carolina Marsh Tacky is a small horse brought to SC by Spanish explorers. It's an endangered breed.Video
Learn from a botanist about edible plants that are indigenous to the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina. Species include the Hawthorn Tree, Prickly Pear Cactus, Chestnut, River Birch, Wax-Myrtle...Video
An overview of the Pee Dee, including the landscape and wildlife