Oil leaks can mean your car is not running as efficiently as it should. Find out what to do to dispose of oil.Life Science
Life Science is the study of living organism which include micro-organisms, plants, animals and humans.
Life Science | Topics
Loggerhead Turtles | Environmental Minutes
What is the S.C. state reptile? What can you do to help save them?
Paper Towels | Environmental Minutes
What you can do to help reduce the amount of disposable products in landfills.
Light Bulb | Environmental Minutes
How much coal is used by leaving a light on for 30 minutes? Find out!!
Grocery Bags | Environmental Minutes
What to do instead of using plastic bags at the grocery store.
Drip...Drip...Drip | Environmental Minutes
What happens when you have a water leak? Learn how to find a leak.
Donating Items | Environmental Minutes
Have unwanted things? Find out what you can do to clear out items that are no longer needed and share with others at the same time! You can donate gently used items to Goodwill, the American Red Cross...