Life Science

Life Science is the study of living organism which include micro-organisms, plants, animals and humans. 
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Web of Water Learning Activity
Web of Water Learning Activity


The Web of Water documentary is a wonderful companion to the site's content. Edited as a half-hour broadcast program, the video covers Ian's complete adventure from the mountains to the sea, and...
The Ring People
Episode 4


12,000 years ago, the beach was 70 miles from Charleston. Visit the modern-day salt marsh - one of the most important ecosystems on the planet.
Biomagnification | The Salt Marsh
Biomagnification | The Salt Marsh


How can low levels of DDT in farm fields end up at high levels in ospreys? Several different pesticides, an example of which is DDT, can be biomagnified by the food chain. The pesticides are used to...
Terrapin | The Salt Marsh


The upper surface of the terrapin's shell, called the carapace, is formed of 13 plates, or scutes. Each scute is roughly circular and grooved with rings. Since one ring is formed each year, the age of...
Tricolored Heron | The Salt Marsh
Tricolored Heron | The Salt Marsh


The tricolored heron is bluish on the back and wing, white on its belly and throat, and reddish-brown on the back of its neck and head. This medium-sized heron is the most common heron of the salt...
Great Egret | The Salt Marsh


The great egret is a large white wading bird. Unlike the snowy egret, the great egret has a yellow bill and black legs and feet. This bird is the symbol of the National Audubon Society. Their long...