Puppetmaking | Artopia
This video walks through the process of making a puppet on some tight time constraints.Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Career Clusters standards.
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This video walks through the process of making a puppet on some tight time constraints.Video
A profile of Walter Scott Montgomery. Walter S. Montgomery (1900 – 1996) Spartan Mills is one of the South Carolina textile industry's most highly regarded companies, and the high esteem in which it...Video
The costume mistress at the theater explains the process of making costumes for the puppets.Video
Christian von Howard talks about his work style when it comes to choreography. Von Howard uses athletic, aerial movement in his work influenced by a great variety of styles.Video
A profile of Ben Rankin Morris. Ben R. Morris (1922–2005) Ben Morris had spent 22 years working in textiles and textile machinery when he left Atlanta for Columbia in 1970 to enter the newspaper...Video
A profile of William Jacob Murray, Jr. William J. Murray (1888 – 1972) William J. Murray of Columbia helped guide a beleaguered McKesson & Robbins through the dark days of the late 1930s and early...Video
James Francis Byrnes (1882-1972) was born in Charleston and served in all three branches of the federal government. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1911–25) and in the Senate (1931–41)...Video
Winston Wingo demonstrates his process for polishing a sculpture to get the finished look he desires.Video
Christo and Jeanne-Claude have collaborated on works of art since 1961. Their most recent work is The Gates, Central Park, New York City, 1979-2005 . Although The Gates remained in Central Park for...Video
Wingo’s art is varied. Here he shows his urban situation series, which differs from many of his more classical pieces.