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Standard USHC.2.CO

USHC.2.CO Compare the economic, political, and social, development of the
antebellum North and South from 1803–1860 using a comparative

Grade(s): 11

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

 Secession, Part 2 | Palmetto Special
Secession, Part 2 | Palmetto Special


The program on "Secession" is divided into two parts, each approximately 18 minutes in length. The five main characters, William, Allen, Jenny, Missy, and Allen's father are fictitious. The political...
 Secession, Part 1 | Palmetto Special
Secession, Part 1 | Palmetto Special


The program on "Secession" is divided into two parts, each approximately 18 minutes in length. The five main characters, William, Allen, Jenny, Missy, and Allen's father are fictitious. The political...