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Standard RL.MC.7

RL.MC.7 Analyze the relationship among ideas, themes, or topics in multiple media, formats, and in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities.

Grade(s): 3

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Year: 2015

A Logo for You
A Logo for You


Students will analyze logos to determine the overall theme and main idea. Their logo will represent the main idea of who they are as individual by using three of the seven elements of visual arts...

Red Riding Hood | Gullah Tales
Red Riding Hood | Gullah Tales


Listen to the interactive version of the Little Red Riding Hood in both English and Gullah. Storytelling performance by Anita Singleton Prather (Aunt Pearlie Sue)
Bossy Elephant | Gullah Tales
Bossy Elephant | Gullah Tales


Listen to the interactive version of the Bossy Elephant in both English and Gullah. Storytelling performance by Anita Singleton Prather (Aunt Pearlie Sue)