This indicator was developed to promote inquiry into the ideologies and policies that led to WWII, with a particular focus on the rise of dictators throughout Europe and Asia.

Grade(s): 5

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

 Life During World War Two Era |  Gracie and Lacy
Life During World War Two Era | Gracie and Lacy


Students will be immersed in the music, dance, culture and history of the World War Two Era in this infotainment-style program. Entertainers and teaching artists Gracie and Lacy engage students...
Life During World War Two
Life During World War Two


Students will be immersed in the music, dance, culture and history of the World War Two Era in this infotainment-style program. Entertainers and teaching artists Gracie and Lacy engage students...

 Victory | South Carolina's Greatest Generation 9
Victory | South Carolina's Greatest Generation
Episode 9


Thirty three days after the death of President Roosevelt, Germany surrenders. The allies celebrate their victory over the Nazis. In 1945, after the two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and...
 The Island War, Part 1 1
The Island War, Part 1
Episode 1


Veterans recall the brutality of war with the Japanese, their allegiance to their emperor, the tropical heat, the jungle, the danger of the rocky reefs, and the threat of malaria, for which they took...