Students will experiment with different plant materials that are known to be safe ( but definitely NOT any plant that is unfamiliar, or known to have juices/secretions that are rash-causing, such as...
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Subject(s): Science
Year: 2014
Students will experiment with different plant materials that are known to be safe ( but definitely NOT any plant that is unfamiliar, or known to have juices/secretions that are rash-causing, such as...
Students compare traditional Western views on land management with the perspective of Indigenous peoples and reflect upon the ways in which coastal lands are currently managed.
Upon completing this lesson, the students will: • Learn how methane digesters turn waste into usable gases and other fuels; • Understand the energy-producing potential of some solid wastes; and •...
Students will conduct a forest health checkup of a local forest area, will take forestry measurements, and will evaluate the ecological services provided by trees and forests.
After floating through the hilly Piedmont, you arrive at the Sandhills of South Carolina. Between 55 and 100 million years ago the sea level was higher and the coast was farther inland. Marine fossils...Interactive
RiverVenture needs your help! Riverventure Headquarters has heard reports of problems in the estuary. A sign warns people not to collect or eat shellfish such as oysters and clams. People are testing...