Grade 6: Determine or clarify the meaning of a word or phrase using knowledge of word patterns, origins, bases, and affixes.

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Year: 2015

Resisting Slavery - Oral Histories
Resisting Slavery - Oral Histories


In this series of lessons, students will examine primary source documents and oral histories of the Stono Rebellion. Students will then create and record their own “oral history” as a South Carolinian...

The Pursuit of Francis Marion
The Pursuit of Francis Marion


Help the Patriot Cause!! - The following letter is an “imagined correspondence” between Colonel Francis Lord Rawdon, British commanding officer of the British outpost at Camden, and Lieutenant Colonel...

Voting Rights Act of 1965
Voting Rights Act of 1965


Students have studied the Fifteenth Amendment, which was supposed to have granted African-American male citizens the right to vote, as well as the Nineteenth Amendment which expanded voting rights to...