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Standard ELA.1.C.4.1

ELA.1.C.4.1 Write grammatically correct sentences (e.g., simple, declarative,
imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory). When writing:
a. capitalize the names of people and dates (to include months and days
of the week);
b. use exclamation points, qu

Grade(s): 1

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Year: 2023

Hot Chocolate Sentences
Hot Chocolate Sentences


The students will be able to create a sentence containing 3 sentence features by using the hot chocolate sentence metaphor.

Safe and Sound: Community Helpers
Safe and Sound: Community Helpers


The students will be able to recognize the importance of community helpers like firefighters. They will be able to demonstrate what to do during fire-related emergencies and will be able to explain...

Action Verbs
Action Verbs


Students will learn and study action verbs and create a "Silent Film" where the other students must notice and pick out action verbs within the film. Students will write sentences containing the...