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Standard B-LS2-1.

B-LS2-1. Use mathematical and/or computational representations to support explanations of biotic and abiotic factors that
affect carrying capacity of ecosystems at different scales....

Subject(s): Science

Year: 2021

 Coastal Birds | What's Wild
Coastal Birds | What's Wild


South Carolina's 187 miles of coastline offer a diverse array of ecosystems and habitats. A fascinating tapestry of bird life flourishes in this abundant and vibrant habitat, but not without its own...
 Turkey Vultures
Turkey Vultures


One of twenty-six North American raptors, turkey vultures are scavengers that can be found in almost any habitat, from coasts to deserts to plains. Learn about the misunderstood Turkey Vulture, their...
 Fox Squirrel | What's Wild
Fox Squirrel | What's Wild


This episode of What's Wild observes some peculiar behaviors squirrel species have and the nutty ways they benefit the environment. To find North America's largest tree squirrel, we'll travel to one...
 Red Cockaded Woodpecker | What's Wild
Red Cockaded Woodpecker | What's Wild


In our first episode of What’s Wild, we’re traveling to the Sandhills and checking out the Red Cockaded Woodpecker! Let’s see how this threatened bird species adapts to life in this unique ecosystem...