The American belief in political democracy led the United States to support natural rights and political democracy for others, especially when it benefited American interests. The willingness of the United States to intervene politically and economica...

Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2011

WWI Photo Gallery | History in a Nutshell
WWI Photo Gallery | History in a Nutshell
Episode 2


This photo gallery contains the following visuals: Map of Europe, 1914. Triple Entente Countries In Blue; Triple Alliance/Central Powers Countries In Red The Zimmerman Telegram The Evening World...
 World War I | History In A Nutshell 1
World War I | History In A Nutshell
Episode 1


A brief video on World War I: how the war started, the U.S.' involvement, fighting the war, and the aftermath, with the Treaty of Versailles. *Important Note: Italy was originally a member of the...