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Standard 8-2.5

8-2.5 Summarize the role of South Carolinians in the course of the American Revolution, including the use of partisan warfare and the battles of Charleston, Camden, Cowpens, Kings Mountain and Eutaw Springs.

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2011

Cowpens: A Brilliant Victory | The Southern Campaign


General Daniel Morgan’s battle plan at Cowpens was considered a masterpiece of military strategy and tactics. In Fall of 1780, General Nathaniel Greene sent a portion of his men under Morgan to fight...
Charleston Forts, Part 1
Episode 1


The story of the three forts that have defended our coast, from the time of our settlers through the World War II, is told in the episode of Project Discovery. At the beginning of the American...
Battle of King's Mountain | Palmetto Heritage


In this program, Lord Cornwallis has ordered Major Patrick Ferguson, a Scotsman, to form the Loyalists into a strong royal militia. In late September 1780, Ferguson took up post near present day...
Loyalists and Patriots
Loyalists and Patriots


In these lessons, students will investigate the points of view of colonists who supported remaining loyal to Britain and those of colonists who supported breaking ties with Britain.

Andrew Pickens, the Wizard Owl | Palmetto Special


The television lesson includes a segment on each man designed to give an insight into his character. Andrew Pickens had been parolled by the British in Charleston when that city was captured in May...
Thomas Sumter, The Gamecock | Palmetto Special


At the battle of Fishdam Ford on the Broad River, Thomas Sumter had an opportunity to get personal revenge on a man who hours earlier had attempted to kill him. This segment depicts the events that...