Modjeska Monteith Simkins House - Tour
Students will use a video and virtual tour to understand how they are encouraged to organize, resist, and rise up against social injustice.Grade(s): 5
Subject(s): Social Studies
Year: 2019
Students will use a video and virtual tour to understand how they are encouraged to organize, resist, and rise up against social injustice.Document
Students will use the first 7 questions to help follow the content discussed in the video. The last 2 questions are open-ended questions. Use questions 9 and 10 to start an open discussion on the...Video
Mahkia Green, a Columbia based filmmaker shows parallels between the protesters of the past, with those fighting for social justice today in her film, "Rise Up."Video
Built between 1890 and 1895, this one-story cottage was home to Modjeska Monteith Simkins, considered "the Matriarch of Civil Rights activists of South Carolina," from 1932 until her death on April 5...Video
Dr. Benjamin E. Mays' childhood home is the focal point of the Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Historical Preservation Site, a destination for individuals and groups interested in learning about the life of one...Video
Fifty years have passed since the tragic Orangeburg Massacre occurred at South Carolina State College. With the protests at the All Star Bowling Alley mere days before, no one anticipated the massacre...Video
Marshall Doswell came to Rock Hill as the Managing Editor of The Evening Herald in 1957. After living in South Carolina for a short time, he was made aware of the racial division and tension that...Photo
Conservative opposition to the gains of the civil rights and student anti-war protests led to a brief resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in South Carolina in the 1960s and 1970s. This KKK meeting was held...Photo
The congressional redistricting in 1981 led to the election of I. DeQuincey Newman as the first African-American South Carolina senator since the end of Reconstruction. Here, he greets some of his new...Photo
The power and right of African-Americans to vote, guaranteed by the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, has been a major driving force behind many of the economic, political, and educational gains made...