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Standard 1.L.5B.3

1.L.5B.3 Analyze and interpret data from observations to describe how changes in the environment cause plants to respond in different ways (such as turning leaves toward the Sun, leaves changing color, leaves wilting, or trees shedding leaves).

Grade(s): 1

Subject(s): Science

Year: 2014

Hummingbirds: Birds that Pollinate
Hummingbirds: Birds that Pollinate


Students will learn about hummingbirds and how they act as specific pollinators to certain types of plants/ flowers. Students will make their own hummingbird feeders to understand how they feed.

All About Bees
All About Bees


Students will learn about bumblebees and how important their habitat is to their survival. Students will learn the importance of bumblebees including their habitats, what they eat, and how they...