Episode 9: Return to Normandy

"South Carolinians in World War II: Return to Normandy" follows 22 veterans as they venture back to France for the 70th anniversary celebration of D-Day. As they traveled through villages and towns, the veterans were shocked to find that their actions during and after the invasion have been passed on from generation to generation. They learned that they are celebrated as heroes in a land to which many of them never wanted to return and by a people some never wanted to meet. 

Wade Sellers, Director & Editor; Jenny Maxwell, Writer; Marycruz Figueroa, Producer; Vicky Henderson, Narrator; Jeff Wilkinson, Producer; Amy Shumaker, Executive-in-Charge, ETV; Coby Hennecy and Elaine Freeman, Executive Producers 

 Return To Normandy | South Carolinians In WW II 1
Return To Normandy | South Carolinians In WW II
Episode 1


To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy, many veterans make the journey to France to remember the battle that took place. For the remaining veterans still alive, this...